yesterday was my birthday. i never wanted to become one of those people who despise their birthday, but somewhere along the way i became just that. i guess despise is a strong word. i don't really despise them. however, over the years somehow july 6th has become less about celebrating life. instead it's become the mark of another year passing with things left unaccomplished and undone. truthfully...
my perspective on life sucks.
the day before my birthday i was completely dreading it, trying to figure out how i could avoid it, somehow sleep through it. but, yesterday morning i opened a gift that had travelled thousands of miles from nepal, to get to me on my day. my cousin jessica had made me an amazing mixed cd (go here to see my feelings on mixed tapes). she put a particular song on there that might have seemed a random choice. but, she said that it should give me a "perspective about age and life." she was...completley. right.
seasons of love from the musical rent...
five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
five hundred twenty five thousand moments so dear
five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
how do you measure, measure a year?
in daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee
in inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife
five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
how do you measure a year in the life?
how about love?
how DO you measure a year in the life? i had been measuring my life all wrong. i had been focusing on the "woe is me's" and the "if only's." i had completely lost sight of the fact that i have a pretty good life. i have friends and family who love and care about me (my facebook wall is a good indicator). i have a good job. i've done some AMAZING things. and, most days, i'm really happy. so, with this new perspective in mind i went about my day. and, it turned out to be really really good! i felt loved and treasured. i felt cared for by the people who went out of their way to make it special by taking me to lunch, making me dinner, getting me a cake, and making me one fantastic birthday mix.
the moral of this story...
measure your life, measure you life in love