i've kind of always thought of this as a negative thing...keeping everything. the term pack rat comes to mind and that always has a negative connotation. but, i'm not sure that it is bad, unless it gets to the point of having to wander through a maze of junk just to get to my kitchen. what i found as i looked through those bags is...life. my life. there were letters, birth announcements, wedding invitations, graduation announcements, notes of encouragement and much much more. of course, some of it was junk and i did throw things away. but, most of it was priceless. here's an example...
my bebo norman autographs...

i am a bebo fan! there was a time in my life where his was my music of choice. i love his folksy sound. i was even willing to look past the acrylic nails on his strumming hand and the fact that he spelled my name wrong because, well let's be honest, just look at him.
my postcard collection...

i'm not sure at what point i thought it would be a good idea to start a collection of postcards. it might not have even been a conscious decision. but, somehow, on some level, i think it's kind of romantic.
my cards from jess collection...

jess and i have a similar love for great cards. it's one of the many things that make us such great friends. looking through these cards made me realize that she did an amazing job of keeping in touch. there are birthday cards, valentine's cards, easter cards, and postcards. Some are store bought and some are homemade. i can only hope that i kept in touch half as well as she did.
the card standing up in the picture is one of my favorites. in case you can't read it, it says..."so, you will not go to omaha with paco? paco can show you many things, but paco will not beg." the inside says..."birthday or not, don't go with paco." it makes me chuckle every time!
the best birthday card in the world...

the best letter in the whole world...

again, if you don't have a child in your life to send you amazing things...well you know how i feel about that. this letter is from my nephew. i wish i knew how old he was at the time. it is adorable...
i have no idea what it was i helped him with or what a "starcraft" is. however, i do remember the necklace and still have it somewhere (of course). i remember that the beads were things like basketballs and soccer balls, real manly beads. and, as he said, it WAS a real nice necklace.
so, what i learned from this little trip down memory lane is...that it's not a bad thing to keep stuff (as long as it's in moderation). it reminded me that i have had, and still do have, some amazing people in my life. looking through those cards, i laughed, i cried and i remembered that i am loved. and, i think that is ALWAYS a good thing!