our home for the day...Island Explorer 3
we got wish number one...beautiful day! you really can't beat weather like this at the end of october...it was amazing!

we saw lots and lots of birds, but these two bald eagles were by far the most spectacular. Kate, our naturalist, told us that this was a male and female and that eagles mate for life, so...these are lifelong mates.
at one point some porpoises came to play. they followed the boat for awhile, swimming along and then playing in the wake.
how fun ARE these humpbacks? we got our second wish...whale sighting. not one, but two humpback whales.

here is proof that i was actually on the boat. it got pretty cold on the water, especially when the sun went behind the clouds.

this picture was taken in the marina. i thought it was pretty cool with the reflection in the water.