while venting to a co-worker, and fellow creative type, she mentioned a pastor who tried something different in his congregation, specifically related to doodling. here is an excerpt...
"recently, as people entered the sanctuary on sunday mornings, we gave them small pieces of colored paper - some textured, some not - with a crayon or a colored pencil or a felt pen. for five weeks we gave them permission to doodle as i preached - much like the first disciples mended their nets as Jesus preached. then we asked them to hand the paper back as they exited.
each week, three artists scrunched, folded, and wove the pieces of paper together. they mounted the pieces on a hopscotch of painted canvases and hung them on the sanctuary wall. as the weeks went by, the little scraps of individual paper grew into a breathtaking mosaic that eventually covered two walls of the sanctuary. each week, before and after the services, more and more people stood beneath it, delighted, surprised, and amazed."
i applaud this pastor for being willing to try something outside the box. my question...why are more churches not willing to try something new. and, why can't doodling be about self-expression, or even an act of worship. needless to say, this inspired me. here is a small collage of my own doodling from the meeting i mentioned...