i have to say that visiting vancouver, bc and being from vancouver, wa is extremely confusing. but other than that, i loved my time there. vancouver is a great city. lots of culture and interesting people. the conference was great as well. almost 200 college students taking over a hotel in downtown! we had an amazing speaker, steve saccone, from mosaic in LA. he talked about taking advantage of every opportunity you're given. as christians a lot of time we "burn daylight" or spend a lot of time praying about something, or waiting for the right time. i really enjoyed what he had to say. and the worship team, justin cofield band from austin texas, some of the nicest people in the world and sickeningly talented.
saturday we went out to prayerwalk the city. this picture is of us getting lost and trying to find the university we were supposed to be looking for.
sometimes getting lost has its benefits. vancouver, bc has a little nickname, it's called hollywood to the north. if you look real close at the license plate on this taxi, you'll see that it's from new york. as was every other car on this street. also, the banners on the light post are also from new york. in our search for simon fraser university, we stumbled upon a street they had blocked off and were getting ready to film on. unfortunately we were too chicken to ask what it was.