recently, some friends were giving me a hard time about attending a conference for writers and authors. they said that if i paid money to attend this conference, then i'm a nerd. this kind of surprised me. but, then i realized that i just don't care. i think that most people are nerds about something. well, i guess most people that are passionate about something, anyway. so, if writing makes me a nerd...then i'm a nerd. at my writers conference (yes, the one i paid money to attend) one of the authors said that "writing is a super power." i liked this...a lot. and, i'm guessing that my friends would say that this too made me a nerd.
last night my friend Stephanie and i went to a meeting called a "plot party." the point of this party was to meet other people embarking on a book writing adventure through National Novel Writing Month. NaNoWriMo is an event where you write a specific amount of words every day for a month in the hopes that at the end you would have something that resembles a book. i fully admit that while i've always wanted to write a was complete peer pressure that talked me into doing this. a fact that became more evident when i reached the plot party and realized that there are people who are passionate and excited about this adventure. the purpose in us all getting together is that maybe we would find encouragement for the journey. i'm secretly hoping that their passion and excitement would rub off on me.
this party also included activities meant to give inspiration and encourage creativity. my favorite of these were the "story cubes." the story cubes are real roll 9 dice and make up a mini story including every picture on each of the dice in a certain amount of time. I. LOVED. THIS! here is my story...
the words: airplane, dragon, keyhole, driver's license, moon, shooting star, lightning, clock (set to 4), dice (on the #5)
yesterday i got on an airplane. to get on this airplane i had to show no less than 5 people my driver's license. literally, if you rolled a dice, it would turn up a 5. my flight was supposed to leave at 3:46, which i thought was a weird time. but, here i sit and the clock just struck 4. this isn't all that surprising, because a plane leaving on time is as likely as a dragon fitting through a keyhole. it's similar to seeing a shooting star on a cloudy night and being struck by lightning twice. perhaps even as likely as a man actually walking on the moon.
not bad for less than 2 min. i embrace my nerdiness!
nerds are cool, and I love your story :)
Beckie, Loved it!!! And continue to embrace that nerdiness!!
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