Wednesday, January 06, 2010


lady gaga is crazy. last year i was at a concert and the opening act was this unknown artist...lady gaga. the performance was insane, and a little bit painful. a couple of months later, this "unknown" artist starts poppin' out singles left and right. i tried to not like her. i tried really hard. but, her songs are so catchy.

i stand behind my opening statement...lady gaga is crazy. but, she is also extremely talented and maybe a little bit of a genius. after all, her bizarre behavior has us all talking about her. whether we love her, hate her, or just don't know what to think about her, we talk about her.

you might question my sanity for calling her talented. but, i will leave this video to speak for itself...

no, lady gaga, you've left ME speechless!

1 comment:

robyn said...

i can understand that... i mean, michael jackson was also crazy but incredibly talented... sometimes watching her is too much for me, but i (hate that i) like her songs so much.