Friday, December 08, 2006

oh, christmas tree...

to me, the holidays are all about traditions. the things you do every year to celebrate with your family. as i get older, i feel like the lines around those things that i loved so much grow thinner and thinner. some of them i've outgrown. (i mean who wants to sleep on the floor in front of the tree on christmas eve when you're pushing 30? am i right?) but, some have just fallen by the wayside, or have been forgotten.

so this year, my roommates and i are trying to create some new traditions. we went and bought a tree, from the same guy we bought it from last year. we joked about how some day we'll learn his name, so that next year we can say "hey joe, the christmas tree salesman guy, how's the wife and kids?" and then five years from now, we'll go to buy our tree and he'll say, "hey girls, i set one aside for you, just the kind you like." he'll refer to us as "the girls" as many of our friends are prone to do. ok, maybe none of that will ever happen, but isn't it the season of hope? are some fun pics of our christmas tree adventure.

jess...pretending she could actually pick that thing up by herself. i'm pretty sure we chose the biggest one on the lot, it was real heavy.

joe looked at us kind of funny when we asked him to tie it to the roof of ang's car, but he did it anyway, cause that's just the kind of guy joe the christmas tree salesman is.

note to self...when you're the tallest one in your household, always vote no for the largest tree on the lot, even though we have 9 foot ceilings and have the room for it. Or maybe that should read...BECAUSE we have 9 foot ceilings and EVEN THOUGH we have the room for it. if you could see the bottom of this would find my tiptoes balanced precariously on top of a step stool.

so, the tree is now complete and our house is decked out for the season. i guess as christmas gets closer, we'll keep our eyes open for other traditions we can start. oooh, maybe caroling?


Anonymous said...

How come no full tree picture?

Anonymous said...

i love that you "girls" are making your own traditions
Love mom